Eleni LaSenna

My artwork might be described as mostly abstract and organic in nature, however I tend not to confine it to a particular definition or style as my enjoyment comes from experiencing and exploring the unlimited possibilities that allow me to express creativity.

I continue to be influenced by certain Asian philosophies and artists as well as many contemporary artists and styles. It began with Kazuaki Tanahashi and his musings on the line- beautiful in its simplicity, and full of character as no two are alike. I have also become quite shaped by the Japanese aesthetic of Wabi Sabi. This philosophy embraces the cycle of life, finding beauty in imperfection, impermanence and incompleteness. It is an idea which values the natural, simple, weathered and authentic aspects of objects and our being, and so, represents my profound relationship with the extraordinary natural world as well as my own personal growth.

In my work I have come to organically and metaphorically use techniques and mixed media to reflect the depth and character that I enjoy uncovering in the often unnoticed and subtle details within nature and people.

I do not typically approach a painting with a specific theme or concrete idea, but rather an emotion or an abstract state of mind sparked by an inspiring visual element or idea. I allow this subconscious energy to translate itself into my work through my creative process, myself being a conduit for this universal message. This is achieved through the often spontaneous layering and exploration of form, texture, composition and marks using mixed media on paper. Ultimately, the end result is something that is individually and personally quite interpretable and sensually experienced.

For me, the creative process involves one’s body, mind, soul, breath and energy. It enables one to connect deeply to nature, others, and self. My art represents this connection, the act being a meditative process by which I can explore and be free of limitations and boxed notions. My intention is finding over and over again the balance between skill and flow, profundity and uniqueness. Through my art I am slowing down to appreciate both the artistic process and the process of life, the truest art form.  http://elenilasenna.com

8 N. Dutcher St. Irvington, NY

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